Frosty the Foster Tree 2022
Thank You for selecting a child(ren) from Frosty the Foster Tree.
You can select a "tag" from the list below. Once a tag has been selected it will state "out of stock". Once you check out (There is no cost to selecting a tag) you will be emailed a copy of your chosen tag(s). Please note that all gifts must be locally dropped off (Nueces County Area) or mailed to our POBOX. (NCWF P. O. Box 270714 Corpus Christi, TX 78427) It is extremely important that you include the Child(ren) Code (found at the top of each tag) on all gifts so we can ensure the proper gifts get to the correct child. All gifts must be received by December 12, 2022
All gifts must come in a gift bag or unwrapped. Per DFPS, we are only able to accept New Items.
Please Note:
No animals/pets
No Food or Perishable Items
No Plants
No Real Weapons (Including Pocket Knives)
If you select a sibling group - please shop for all children in that group. Thank you!